19 Feb 2012


I like this song
Forget Me Not by Lichner
Maybe it is because my mum used to play this song?

Suddenly wonder how it is named and I checked it on the internet! lol
It is originated from some german sad tale.

One day, a knight tried to pick this flowers, which were by the Donau river, for his lover, but unfortunately he slipped into the river.
He told his lover "Please don't forget me" before dying in the water. The lover put the flower on her hair and she remembers the word throughout her life.

......this is the story.
What I want to say is just.. the knight is stupid i think? lol
He was too excited probably!

My dear dear half-term has finished........rly sad!!
I rly couldnt feel like studying on the half-term. Shit!
I made revision notes for econ mock and kept doing my ICT project.....
Rly think ICT has some harmful effects on my body and life..yes.
This project is gonna finish soon but i bet the next one will start soon.

I had my hair cut during the halfterm, btw, the lady was very nice, EXCEPT the points that she cut a little bit longer than i have expected.
I showed her how long i wanted to make my hair shorter and the thing is, she asked me in inch!
Omg I cant change inch into cm immediately u know, 

1 inch = 2.54 cm
*1 feet = 12 inches = 30.48 cm

Anyway, im quite happy in my short hair ;D
I will upload some pics hopefully................................
Oh~ school dont starrrrrrrrrrrt!!!!!!!!!!

18 Feb 2012

The Memory of Msia...

I want to remind u this post is the 2nd post of Xmas holidays!

I know it is too late! It has already passed 2 months since the term breaks hehe...
Anyway!!!!! I think I will upload rest of the pics taken in Msia.
As long as I can remember it............. lols!

I bought three rabbits as presents for my friends<3
I have already given them though ;P

The Xmas cake and candle!
It tasted.....OK. lol 
The gifts for mum & dad!
The guy who helped me select the T-shirt for my dad was rly kind and cute!
He just tried it on and let me estimate the suitable size for my dad :D

I think my parents were pleased with them ;))

I bought a new baaaaaaag!!!!!!!!!!!
From GUESS<3 I love that brand.
The jeans from Guess have become tight for me.. NEVER MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!

The supper of New Year's Eve....
Sashimi!!!!!!!!!! I miss u~~~
U can NEVER know how much I love Japanese food!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I watched Japanese traditional TV program called 紅白歌合戦! 
If I translate directly into English, it might be called Red&White Singing Contest.. according to someone wth!
As u know(?), Lady Gaga came to Kouhaku!! Coooool!
Born this way~
Oh My Boyfriend, why are you this handsome~